Sunday, November 30, 2014


The Artist's Way has been collecting dust (I know you're already bored but read on) under the night table next to my bed for years. Those "Morning Pages" that everyone suggests you write were derived from that book. Repeatedly, people have suggested I do "Morning Pages". Truth is, I rarely want to read  or do something everyone has told me I should read or do, despite however good it might be.  I also like to do things my making mistakes. That said, the name of this blog is "Mornings" and mine were busy over the last few months.

From a practical sense, there's no time to hand write or type. In a prior blog, I mentioned this. For stream of consciousness, I "talk to text". Such is the case now.  In the months since I last spoke into this device (my cellphone), there were situations in my life that were emotionally weighty.  Notably, with my former roommate and my father's health issues.

I went through a considerable amount money trying to keep my head above water during this time and it was my work that kept me from losing everything and going crazy...even though that work is in a comedy club. I find my balance in this kind of insanity.  I love my job so when times get particularly tough, there's usually some comic around to tell me how much I suck as a human being and that usually puts a smile on my face. Get it? I like the opposite of stuff!

Over the summer, I didn't want to add more conflict to an already uncomfortable situation at home, so I spent a good deal of time away from my apartment.  Here and there, I sprinkled in a few days at the Jersey Shore & Fire Island and there was also a trip to see my father.

In no particular order, Palestinians & Jews, Isis, Ebola, Ferguson, Bill Cosby and Kim Kardashian's ass loomed in the news... but mostly it was Kim Kardashian's ass.

Consequently, The Red Light Podcast disbanded. Yes! It was because of all THESE things we disbanded or maybe it was that some of the girls got boyfriends but, in all honesty, we discussed that we really needed to revamp and retool the thing if we were ever to resume it.  So, I'm not not sure what will come of it but if you haven't yet heard us, our episodes are available at: or
With that, I wish you all a pleasant start to the month of December and the holiday season! I'm going to redecorate my soul (kidding) and my apartment (not kidding).

As for you all, be's less boring than you think.

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