Clearly, there are some mornings we wake up and we are just in a foul mood but that has not been the case for me the past two weeks or three weeks since I last wrote.
Moreover, I have been humbled by the fact that there are just things that are outside of my control. Rather than fight those things, I've tried to accept them and work constructively to appease whatever the situations are that are most distressing in my life on any given day.
Dealing with family matters, financial matters, relationship matters, business matters can all seem so overwhelming and not everyone likes the answers you'll give them (especially if they're not the ones they want to hear).
In the end, you answer to one authority-your own, God or whatever your concept of a higher power may be.
That said, this is the first time in weeks I've had a moment alone to collect my thoughts (as much as I can) and I'm overlooking the East River on a very warm yet breezy day.
For the moment I seem to have satisfied everyone's requests of me. Contrary to what it may seem (to some), I few demands (of others). Just being fair and decent human being is typically my only request (expectation). That, in itself, can often be met with difficulty.
(Oh, and once in a while I just need some quiet. Shush it.)
Recently, I came back from visiting my father. He is 88 years old and he is doing as well as can be for a man his age but his needs are many and they consume my thoughts a good deal of the time. Underlying most things I do, are thoughts of my father-- alone--and how I can comfort him from a distance.
I speak to him twice sometimes three times a day and go down to see him as often as I can. It's all I can do for now.
My outlet is comedy. Comedy in all it's forms helps me handle most anything. I am blessed to be working in a profession that brings me great joy.
Many of us try to achieve success and go at it with a shark like appetite and that is fine (and to some degree I respect that) but often times we fail to realize that those in a position to help us have lives as well--families and responsibilities and more than a handful of people that they have to answer to on any given day (not to mention the general public).
Perhaps if we thought about this a little bit more, we would be less inclined to bug the crap out of people for the things we think we need.
So, for today I am grateful. I have a roof (that I work extremely hard to maintain) and a job and friends and love from the people I know that love me (and who I love in return).
If you have any one of these you're luckier than you may realize.
Maybe say thank you.
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