Saturday, June 20, 2015

#21 Reality Check

He looked at me and said, "cigarettes are so '80's". I replied, "yes, I agree with you but it's either this or homicide" and then he said, "choose homicide".

I didn't have enough coffee this morning. I'm dragging. I have to be at work early for a magic show. I glance at the paperwork on my desk and the clothes that need to be hung and mutter, "I'll deal with that tomorrow".

That's how it goes sometimes. Things are status quo. There's nothing particularly good or bad with my life at this moment. When I consider the troubles of the world in their entirety, I feel like I don't have it so bad. You guys know what I mean.

It's the Coney Island Mermaid Parade today and it's cool and overcast. Instagram pics are dotting my feed as I write. It would be fun to be there but it's hard to view any event these days past its potential photo opportunity and without considering it's cost or length of time to get there.

Do I sound morose? I'm not. I am so grounded in reality that it comes across as dull. I know that about myself and that in itself is dull.

I need more coffee.

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