Thursday, April 23, 2015

#20 Good morning Dad.

I slept well...probably the best night's sleep I've had in weeks. For months there was a feeling of impending doom; that something was going to happen. I couldn't imagine what that something was or what it would look like or how it would manifest. I had the feeling that I wasn't making clear decisions (in fact, I knew it) and that things were going to unravel in ways that were out of my control. I also knew that I was trying to manipulate things in my mind and it was keeping me up nights. I was spending too much time on what other people were doing as opposed to what I needed to do. 

The beginning of February, I put to bed one of the things that was troubling me. I thought about it for some time but I knew that this particular situation (I had put myself in) made me feel drunk. For a sober person, this can be dangerous. After 19 yrs clean, I didn't like who I was becoming during this time. I also didn't like what I was observing about the situation. My self-confidence diminished and my faith was nearly non-existent.  I was a wretched person to be around or, at least, I felt wretched. I admit, I'm harder on myself than most and to the average, untrained eye I behaved like my usual self....irritable with a smattering of over-elation.

Still, having ended that situation (albeit, half-heartedly), I knew it was the right thing to do. Sometimes, we hold on to things because of our "pain bodies". Read Eckhart Tolle to get that reference. I only mention it  because I like saying "pain body". No one sees your "pain body" but sometimes your "pain body" and my "pain body" can get together and have a grand ole time! Be that as it may, I had a lot of support from friends while I was transitioning out of my shitty "pain body".

In the ensuing weeks, I got back to business but I didn't feel like the proverbial shoe had really dropped. Something nagged at me. I couldn't shake it.  

Two weeks ago, my father had a heart attack. He flat-lined on the way to the hospital. The paramedics saved him. There it was. There was the full manifestation of what I felt was coming. Somehow, I sensed it. A myriad of thoughts raced through my mind. Is he going to make it? What will I have to do? Do I have enough money to do it? Will I be able to get time off work? Who will cover for me? How long will I be away? What will I be called upon to do to help my father? Am I prepared for this? How do I handle this? Why isn't there someone in my life to help me handle this? Why do I feel like such a child? 

I felt helpless, alone and scared and I'm sure my father felt the same way. I mentioned my father's condition on Facebook just to release I wasn't so alone in it...but my true fear didn't register there. FB isn't where I show my vulnerability...not really. It's mostly for sarcasm and selfies...which is another story entirely.

I slowed down. Some other side of me kicked in or maybe it is that side of me that I know exists and that I intuitively trust. The side that knows that she knows how to handle whatever comes her way. The side that knows that she has a lot of support and love. The side that has more courage than she gives herself credit for. 

I was able to drop everything and show up when it mattered most. I had help. I had support and I had love. I was present for my father in every sense of the word. I advocated for him. I made calls for him, I cared for him. I cooked for him and most of all I provided him with the love that only a daughter can provide for her father (I sense that some comedians will have a field day with that last statement). 

My father is on the road to recovery and I continue on my road too...and I'm trudging it less and less today. I'm not going to say it was easy. It wasn't. Did I curse God or whatever and whoever? Yes, I did...but I got through it. Now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Thank you to those of you who were there for my father and I. You know who you are.


  1. Gina we are stronger than we know. You are a sensitive soul who loves her father and you handled it. I know from first hand experience that when you are perceived as "funny" sometimes the outside world does not see you sensitive soul, but oh how sensitive we are. When my father was in the hospital and he eventually passed away ... I had been there for the 2 weeks of allotted time that was owed to me but I knew that I needed another week and I asked and received that additional week. Thank God. He passed away on the Monday after the 3 weeks and I will never regret that additional week that I spent with him. The Stars will align and your friends and co workers will help you in whatever way they can because this is life and this is what it is all about and we will all be there if we haven't been already. Love is the answer to any question...and that is what you have shown your dad and me and a multitude of people. You are love Gina Savage and don't you forget it!

  2. Thank you for giving us an incite into that emotional strength and courage you had and continue to go through. All the world to you and your family.

  3. Thank you both for your thoughtful words.
