Sunday, April 13, 2014


I wake and from the moment I do my mind is a blur of negativity as thoughts race--why don't I have any money? The carpet needs to be cleaned. I'm out of coffee. There are bits of toothpaste sticking to the bathroom sink. Why is there so much dust? Where is it coming from? My apartment's too small. I'm sick of all this crap! How come I don't have a boyfriend? Who would want me? This?

Then it hits me. I'm just standing in my kitchen staring at my broken cellphone charger.

It's superficial and I'm disgusted with myself. Why aren't my thoughts loftier like-- how can I help people? What can I do? Why am I not thanking God for my very existence?  I'm annoyed that I can't really control the mutterings of my morning head. These thoughts have been programmed into my DNA--from my childhood or socio-economic background or blah blah what have you. Whatever. I'm in the throws of this for at least 30 minutes and that's 30 minutes too long.

Well, I need the damn cellphone charger replaced so I make that my first priority. Sadly, I'm chained to it plus I was supposed to call my father at 11am and it's now 11:41am. He's waiting.

Just getting out of the house on another beautiful day improves my mood. Spending $40 on a the new charger does not. Getting a $5 dollar discount off said charger does.Thus, begins my series of checks and balances that will last all day.

I won't have to be at work until 7pm and now it's a tossup between whether or not I will take a yoga class or go sit in the sun. I opt for the sun, having seen so little of it all winter long.
It's nearly noon & I decide that it would be best that I go hit a meeting first. Some of you know the kind of meeting I mean--one that gets your mind right. I know of one that starts in a half hr. I can also charge my phone there. I recognize the speaker and I get a healthy dose of the fundamentals of gratitude and acceptance and I am sufficiently readjusted.

We only have today and we can choose how we Cliché but true.

From there, I walk to the East River and call my father with my newly recharged cellphone. It's a good conversation and that's probably because neither of us had it when we first woke up. I think about how fortunate that he's still with me. The sun warms my face. There is feeling of peace but it is momentarily interrupted with txts from work. I might have to go in early. Nope. I don't.

So, I go back to the sun and all is this moment.

I have a job. I can't clean the carpet now but I will eventually. I can buy a can of coffee. I can wipe away the toothpaste from the bathroom sink. I can even dust. I'm perfectly fine alone. 

It's perspective and it fluctuates.

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